Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/29/2023 HS Earthquakes Living Lab: FAQs about P Waves, S Waves and More TeachEngineering Learn what causes earthquakes, how we measure and locate them, and their effects and consequences. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Research, Critical Thinking 5 356
10/13/2023 HS Get Your Charge Away from Me! TeachEngineering Demonstrate the fundamental properties of polar and non-polar molecules (such as water and oil), how they interact, and the affect surfactants have on their interactions. Teamwork, Troubleshooting, Physics, Mathematics 322 410
10/12/2023 MS Trig River TeachEngineering Learn about and use a right triangle to determine the width of a sample river. Teamwork, Physics, Troubleshooting, Mathematics 6 360
10/12/2023 HS Introduction to Electronic Circuits TeachEngineering Introduced to several key concepts of electronic circuits. Physics, Mathematics, Troubleshooting 3 435
10/13/2023 HS Design Step 4: Select a Promising Solution Using Engineering Analysis TeachEngineering Use engineering analysis distinguishes true engineering design from "tinkering." Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication 8 392
10/15/2023 HS Engineering Ethics: Evaluating Popular Inventions TeachEnginnering Analyze an assortment of popular inventions to determine whom they are intended to benefit, who has access to them, who might be harmed by them, and who is profiting. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Research 22 410
10/12/2023 MS Swing in Time TeachEngineering See the motion of pendulums and come to understand that the longer the pendulum string, the fewer the number of swings in a given time interval. Research, Troubleshooting, Physics, Mathematics 5 395
10/15/2023 HS Measuring Lava Flow TeachEnginnering Learn how volume, viscosity and slope are factors that affect the surface area that lava covers. Applied Science, Mathematics, Teamwork 5 374
10/13/2023 MS Rock Solid TeachEngineering Introduction to three types of material stress related to rocks: compressional, torsional and shear. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Observation 5 372
10/13/2023 MS Can You Take the Pressure? TeachEngineering Introduced to the concept of air pressure and use the associated activity to see how it is affected by different variables. Research, Mathematics, Physics 4 447

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