Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/13/2023 HS Sum It Up: An Introduction to Static Equilibrium TeachEngineering Introduced to static equilibrium by learning how forces and torques are balanced in a well-designed engineering structure. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 20 457
2/11/2022 CL Build a Database for an App Teacher Ryan Learn how to create a SQL LITE database Database Systems Knowledge, Problem Solving, MS SQL Server, Android 242 675
7/25/2024 HS Lifting Our Voices PBLWorks Use rhetoric and argumentation as they individually write and present persuasive speeches to convince first-time voters of their stance on a current issue. Persuasion, Technical Writing, Organization, Verbal Communication, Social Perceptiveness 176 74
10/15/2023 MS Accuracy, Precision and Errors in Navigation: Getting It Right! TeachEnginnering Introduction to accuracy and precision navigation. Accuracy, Mathematics, Research 4 597
10/12/2023 HS Navigating by the Numbers TeachEngineering Learn that math is important in navigation and engineering. Mathematics, Accuracy 5 460
10/15/2023 HS Volumes of Complex Solids TeachEnginnering Learn to calculate the volume of complex solids that can be classified as solids of revolution or solids with known cross sections. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Troubleshooting, Problem Solving 53 469
10/29/2023 HS Powering a Device Using Food TeachEngineering Work with various fruits and vegetables to determine the amount of electrical energy each produces. Team Building, Applied Science, Mathematics 14 410
10/9/2023 MS Trebuchet Design & Build Challenge TeachEngineering Research how to design and build trebuchets from scratch while following a select number of constraints. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 30 487
10/13/2023 HS Capillarity—Measuring Surface Tension TeachEngineering Learn the difference between cohesive forces and adhesive forces. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry 5 451
10/13/2023 HS Hovercraft Racers! TeachEngineering Gain first-hand experience on how friction affects motion. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Troubleshooting, Physics 6 476

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