Rediscover the Expansion of the Universe With PythonInstructablesProblem Set...Determine some other astronomically important values from spectral and distance data. Suggested LearningEstimated Time to Consume Resource...Time10 : 00 HoursEstimated Cost for Resource...CostFreeName of Skill (Mousever Context in applying Skill...SkillsItensity and Frequency in Applying Skill...FocusLevel of Difficulty in Applying Skill...LevelEducation / Higher Education / Training Standards Applying Skill...StandardSkill Points Earned After Completing Requirements...PointsTechnicalPythonFocus: 33%Intermediate30TransferableData AnalysisFocus: 17%Intermediate13TransferableMathematicsFocus: 17%Intermediate13TransferableObservationFocus: 17%Intermediate13TechnicalProgrammingFocus: 17%Intermediate13...Total Skill Points:82Facts and Information and Perspectives Learned...Knowledge GainCollect data, apply mathematical and physical properties in code to discover astronomical properties. Live Link to the Resource...Resource Link Label™ Patent 11587190