The Temperature EffectTeachEngineeringProject... Learn how the efficiency of a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel is affected by the ambient temperature. Suggested LearningEstimated Time to Consume Resource...Time00: 45 HoursEstimated Cost for Resource...CostFreeName of Skill (Mousever Context in applying Skill...SkillsItensity and Frequency in Applying Skill...FocusLevel of Difficulty in Applying Skill...LevelEducation / Higher Education / Training Standards Applying Skill...StandardSkill Points Earned After Completing Requirements...PointsTechnicalApplied ScienceFocus: 33%IntermediateStandards: HS-PS3...HS-ESS3NGSS2TransferableWritten CommunicationFocus: 33%IntermediateStandards: SL.11-12.5CC2TransferableMathematicsFocus: 33%IntermediateStandards: MP.2...MP.4...HSN-Q.A.1...HSN-Q.A.2...HSN-Q.A.3CC2...Total Skill Points:6Facts and Information and Perspectives Learned...Knowledge GainDescribe the effect that different temperatures have on the efficiency of PV panels. State how engineers might attempt to control the temperature of solar PV panels. Live Link to the Resource...Resource Link Label™ Patent 11587190